What Lies Beneath – Marine Art

Imagine a very cold and extremely dark environment, underwater and deep below the favourable heights of our atmosphere and then imagine having a camera to capture that unfamiliar world. That's Alexander Semenov's life as head of the diver's team at Moscow State University's White Sea biological station. Alexander is a marine biologist, an explorer and underwater photographer who's capturing these beautifully coloured, mysterious and scientifically important deep-water creatures.

In an interview with Creative Boom he explains "My own goal is to study underwater life through camera lenses and to boost people’s interest in marine biology, sharing all my finding on social media and in real life through public lectures, exhibitions and media events,". Adding that "I have the amazing opportunity to see beauty in the darkness underwater, and this led me to multiple collaborations with the National Geographic, Discovery Channel, the BBC, Nature, Smithsonian and many more."

Classic Yacht TV has a big passion for the unusual, the rare and the environment; having discovered this work we're really interested in fact you can buy prints! To read more about Alexander Semenov's work and life visit his site.